Wine in the Shadow of the Kotor Fortress

In the shadow of the imposing Kotor Fortress in Montenegro, on a trail that has carried war, wine, and information for centuries, there is a man selling local wine. I decided to give it a try.


The late Anthony Bourdain was a great inspiration for Tricia and me. Like an espresso shot of travel fervor, a rerun of his No Reservations series had the ability to get us searching for flight deals anywhere — everywhere. His writing and his video narration were something I would strive to emulate.  

We will miss him very much.

We recently spent a few months on Montenegro’s Bay of Kotor and had a chance to hike the surrounding mountains. On one of those hikes, we met a man selling wine in his backyard. In the shadow of the dramatic Kotor Fortress, I took him up on his offer.

I wrote about the experience for Roads & Kingdoms, a travel publication financially and creatively supported by Anthony Bourdain. You can read the story here:

“Is This Just a Man in a House Serving Wine to Passing Strangers?”